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  • 1. motivation, goal achievement, positive affirmations with self reflections
  • 2. self hypnosis and sound therapy
  • 3. emotional intelligence e-books and articles
  • 4. members special discounts 
  • 5. custom content request



Finding Motivation, Goal Achievement, Positive Affirmations for Self Confidence, each with their Self Reflection exercises. APP, Online or Delivered weekly to your inbox (3 affirmations per week).


$7  per month



Special selection of self hypnosis, binaural beat and solfeggio frequencies to help overcome stress, reduce anxiety, improve focus and performance. Requesting topic of interest available for VIP level. Content is added on a regular basis.


$7 per month



eBooks, articles, self reflection aimed to expand your mindset & increase your emotional intelligence. Use the read out-loud feature on your device. Request topic of interest. Content is added on a regular basis.


$7  per month



VIP, 1. Special discounts on e-courses and coaching.  First access to new developments. Members only events. Special Feelfulness® exercises.
Free access to a content of your choice.


$7 per month

Goal Achievement Affirmations (1)

Affirmations focused on goals achievement can help you stay motivated, focused, and on track towards reaching your goals. 

Why you might want to incorporate goals achievement affirmations into your weekly routine:
  1. Boost motivation: Repeating affirmations focused on goals achievement can help you stay motivated and committed to your goals. By reminding yourself of what you want to achieve, you can stay focused on taking the actions necessary to make progress towards your goals.
  2. Build self-confidence: Achieving your goals can be a great confidence booster, and affirmations can help you build self-confidence along the way. By affirming that you are capable of achieving your goals, you can strengthen your belief in yourself and your abilities.
  3. Overcome obstacles: Setting and achieving goals can be challenging, and obstacles are bound to arise along the way. Affirmations focused on goals achievement can help you stay resilient and persistent when faced with setbacks or challenges.
  4. Celebrate progress: Celebrating small victories along the way can help you stay motivated and engaged in the process of working towards your goals. Affirmations focused on goals achievement can help you recognize and celebrate the progress you've made, even if you haven't yet reached your ultimate goal.
Incorporating goals achievement affirmations into your weekly routine can help you stay motivated, focused, and committed to reaching your goals. By affirming your ability to achieve your goals and celebrating your progress along the way, you can build the confidence and resilience necessary to achieve success.

Finding Motivation Affirmations (1)

Motivation affirmations can be a powerful tool for maintaining a positive and motivated mindset. 

Here are a few reasons why you might want to incorporate motivation affirmations into your weekly routine:
  1. Stay focused on your goals: When you repeat affirmations focused on motivation, you are reminding yourself of your goals and the reasons why you want to achieve them. This can help you stay focused and motivated, even when faced with challenges or setbacks.
  2. Boost self-confidence: Repeating affirmations focused on motivation can help you build self-confidence and belief in yourself. When you affirm that you are capable of achieving your goals and staying motivated, you are strengthening your sense of self-worth and belief in your abilities.
  3. Overcome self-doubt: Self-doubt can be a major barrier to staying motivated and achieving your goals. By repeating affirmations that reinforce your belief in yourself and your ability to stay motivated, you can overcome self-doubt and stay focused on your goals.
  4. Increase positivity: Motivation affirmations can help you maintain a positive and optimistic mindset, even in the face of challenges or adversity. By focusing on positive thoughts and affirmations, you can increase your overall sense of well-being and happiness.
Incorporating motivation affirmations into your weekly routine can help you stay focused, motivated, and positive. By affirming your ability to stay motivated and achieve your goals, you can build the confidence and resilience necessary to overcome challenges and achieve success.

Self Reflection Exercises (1, 3)

Self-reflection exercises are a powerful tool for increasing emotional intelligence, personal and professional growth and development. 

Why you might want to incorporate self-reflection exercises into your routine:
  1. Increase self-awareness: Self-reflection exercises can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. By reflecting on your experiences and reactions, you can identify patterns and gain insights into your strengths and areas for improvement.
  2. Improve decision-making: Self-reflection exercises can help you make better decisions by providing you with a clearer understanding of your values, priorities, and goals. By reflecting on your past decisions and their outcomes, you can identify what worked well and what didn't, and use that knowledge to make more informed decisions in the future.
  3. Foster personal growth: Self-reflection exercises can help you identify areas for personal growth and development. By reflecting on your strengths and weaknesses, you can identify areas where you want to improve and set goals for personal growth.
  4. Enhance relationships: Self-reflection exercises can help you improve your relationships with others by providing you with insights into your communication style, emotional triggers, and other interpersonal dynamics.
By reflecting on your interactions with others, you can identify areas for improvement and develop strategies for better communication and collaboration, improving your relationships.

Self Hypnosis, Binaural Beats (2)

Everyone can benefit from hypnosis: overcome stress, reduce anxiety or sadness, improve sleep quality, increase confidence, and more.

Hypnosis is a natural state. Everyone experiences trance in moments of daydreaming, intense concentration, and when entering and exiting sleep. In a hypnosis session you achieve a similar state intentionally. You do not go unconscious, have total amnesia, or surrender control, instead you usually become very deeply relaxed.  

There are several myths and misconceptions about self-hypnosis. Here are some common ones:
  1. Hypnosis is Mind Control: One of the most common myths about hypnosis is that it is a form of mind control, where the hypnotist takes over the subject's mind and makes them do things they wouldn't normally do. In reality, hypnosis is a cooperative process, where the individual being hypnotized is fully in control and can choose to reject suggestions that they are uncomfortable with.
  2. Hypnosis is Dangerous: Another myth is that hypnosis is dangerous and can cause harm to the individual being hypnotized. In reality, hypnosis is a safe and natural state of consciousness that is similar to daydreaming or meditation
  3. Hypnosis Works Immediately: While some people may experience immediate benefits from hypnosis, such as feeling more relaxed, the effects of hypnosis are often cumulative and may require regular practice to achieve the desired results.
  4. Only Weak-Minded People Can Be Hypnotized: This is a common misconception, but in reality, anyone can be hypnotized if they are willing and able to follow the hypnotist's instructions. 

It is important to recognize these myths and misconceptions about hypnosis to fully understand the benefits and limitations of self-hypnosis.

Hypnosis is a safe and effective tool for stress relief, reducing anxiety, personal growth and self-improvement when used correctly and responsibly from a well trusted source.    

Binaural Beats (2)

Beats (2)

Motivation affirmations can be a powerful tool for maintaining a positive and motivated mindset. 

Here are a few reasons why you might want to incorporate motivation affirmations into your weekly routine:

When you listen to two tones with slightly different frequencies at the same time, your brain interprets the two tones as a beat of its own: this is a binaural beat. These two tones align with your brain waves to stimulate a beneficial frequency. 

There are five different brain waves:

1. Delta: 1-4 Hz. The lowest frequencies, Delta benefits include:

  • Deep sleep                                           
  • Healing and pain relief                       
  • Meditation                                            
  • Anti-aging: cortisol reduction/DHEA increase                   
  • Access to the unconscious mind  

2. Theta: 4-8 Hz. Theta benefits include:

  • Meditation                          
  • Deep relaxation
  • Creativity                         
  • Increased Intuition  

3.Alpha: 8-14 Hz. Alpha brain waves help you to:

  • Relax and focus                         
  • Reduce Stress                             
  • Maintain positive thinking         
  • ncrease your learning capabilities

4. Beta: 14-30 Hz. Beta is a higher frequency brainwave and helps in:

  • Keeping your attention focused 
  • Analytical thinking and solving problems                               
  • Stimulating energy and action     
  • High-level cognition

5. Gamma: 30-100 Hz. With a higher frequency than beta, these brain waves help in:

  • Increased cognitive enhancement 
  • Attention to detail, helping in memory recall.                                     
  • A different way of thinking, which is a sign of creativity

Solfeggio Frequencies (2)

Solfeggio frequencies refer to specific tones, which can be used to elicit either a mental or physical response. 

The Solfeggio Frequencies are used to bring about various mental and physical health benefits, depending on the frequency used. The primary 9 Solfeggio frequencies range from 174 Hz to 963 Hz

  1. 174 Hz: Relieving Pain and Stress The 174 Hz frequency can relieve pain, stress, and enhance concentration. It’s been said to provide a sense of security to the organs in the body and is particularly beneficial when it comes to pain in the lower back, feet and legs.
  2. 285 Hz: Healing Tissue and Organs The 285Hz frequency can help treat minor injuries and wounds in the body. It’s said to help fix damage to the organs and repair cells.
  3. 396 Hz: Liberating Guilt and Fear For those struggling with loss, 396 Hz is the most beneficial. This frequency can help eliminate feelings of guilt, fear, and grief.
  4. 417 Hz: Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change The 417 Hz frequency marks the start of new beginnings, removing negative energy from the body, home and office.
  5. 528 Hz: Transformation and Miracles The 528 Hz frequency is one of the most powerful frequencies, with a profound effect on our wellbeing. This frequency can activate imagination, intention, and intuition. It’s said to be the ‘love frequency’ and it can awaken spirituality.
  6. 639 Hz: Connecting Relationships The 639 Hz frequency can promote connection and repair turbulent relationships with friends, family, and the community around you.
  7. 741 Hz: Awakening Intuition For intuition and problem solving, 741 Hz can be deeply beneficial. It can help provide mental clarity and can also be used to help those struggling with chronic pain.
  8. 852 Hz: Returning to Spiritual Order 852 Hz is said to rebalance your spirituality. It’ll help you connect to the universe and your own consciousness on a deeper level.
  9. 963 Hz: Divine Consciousness or Enlightenment The highest of the 9 main frequencies, 963 Hz is known as the ‘frequency of the Gods’. It can create room for oneness and unity with the spiritual world.

Emotional Intelligence Education (3)

Emotional intelligence education can provide numerous benefits.

Emotional intelligence education can provide numerous benefits, including:

  1. Better communication: Emotional intelligence education can help individuals become more aware of their emotions and those of others, leading to better communication and more effective interactions with others.
  2. Improved relationships: By understanding their own emotions and those of others, individuals can build stronger, more meaningful relationships with others, whether at home or in the workplace.    
  3. Enhanced decision-making: Emotional intelligence education can improve decision-making skills by helping individuals to regulate their emotions and think more clearly and rationally.
  4. Increased empathy: Developing emotional intelligence can help individuals become more empathetic towards others, allowing them to understand and appreciate different perspectives.    
  5. Greater self-awareness: Emotional intelligence education can help individuals become more aware of their own emotions, strengths, and weaknesses, allowing them to better manage themselves and their interactions with others.    
  6. Higher resilience: Emotional intelligence education can help individuals develop greater resilience to stress, setbacks, and challenges, enabling them to bounce back from difficult situations more quickly and effectively.  

Emotional Intelligence (3)

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, manage, and express one's own and others' emotions.

Emotional intelligence is increasingly recognized as a key factor in personal and professional success, as it enables individuals to navigate social situations, build strong relationships, and achieve their goals more effectively. 

It involves a range of skills and competencies, including:

  1. Self-awareness: The ability to recognize and understand one's own emotions, strengths, and weaknesses.   
  2. Self-regulation: The ability to manage and regulate one's own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in response to different situations.   
  3. Motivation: The ability to harness emotions to drive goal-directed behavior and achieve personal and professional goals.   
  4. Empathy: The ability to understand and relate to the emotions and experiences of others, and to respond to them in a sensitive and appropriate manner.   
  5. Social skills: The ability to build and maintain positive relationships with others, communicate effectively, and work collaboratively. 

Overall, emotional intelligence education can improve an individual's ability to navigate social situations and build stronger, more positive relationships with others, leading to greater personal and professional success.

Positive Mindset Affirmations (1, 3)

Positive affirmations can help build self-confidence, increase self-awareness, and promote positive thinking.

  1. Boost self-esteem: Positive affirmations can help you feel better about yourself and increase your self-confidence. By repeating positive statements about yourself, you can reinforce your belief in your own abilities and strengths.   
  2. Encourage positive thinking: Regularly repeating positive affirmations can help you focus on the positive aspects of your life and encourage positive thinking. This can help you to feel more optimistic and hopeful, even during difficult times.   
  3. Improve mental health: Positive affirmations can be a useful tool for managing stress, anxiety, and depression. By focusing on positive thoughts and feelings, you can shift your focus away from negative thoughts and emotions, which can improve your mental health and well-being.   
  4. Create a sense of purpose: Repeating positive affirmations that align with your goals and values can help you stay focused and motivated. By reminding yourself of what you want to achieve and why it matters, you can create a sense of purpose and direction in your life. 

Incorporating positive affirmations into your weekly routine can help you cultivate a more positive and optimistic outlook on life and handle stress with more ease.

Budget Friendly

Budget Friendly (All)

Weekly positive affirmations with self-reflection can be a cost-effective alternative to hiring help on a weekly basis. 

By incorporating positive affirmations into your routine, you can strengthen your self-confidence, maintain a positive mindset, and stay motivated to achieve your goals. Self-reflection exercises can also help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, identify areas for personal growth, and improve your relationships with others.

  1. Increase self-awareness: Self-reflection exercises can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. By reflecting on your experiences and reactions, you can identify patterns and gain insights into your strengths and areas for improvement.   
  2. Improve decision-making: Self-reflection exercises can help you make better decisions by providing you with a clearer understanding of your values, priorities, and goals. By reflecting on your past decisions and their outcomes, you can identify what worked well and what didn't, and use that knowledge to make more informed decisions in the future.   
  3. Foster personal growth: Self-reflection exercises can help you identify areas for personal growth and development. By reflecting on your strengths and weaknesses, you can identify areas where you want to improve and set goals for personal growth.   
  4. Enhance relationships: Self-reflection exercises can help you improve your relationships with others by providing you with insights into your communication style, emotional triggers, and other interpersonal dynamics. By reflecting on your interactions with others, you can identify areas for improvement and develop strategies for better communication and collaboration. 

By taking the time to reflect on your experiences, thoughts, and feelings, you can develop greater self-awareness and achieve greater success in all areas of your life.

While therapy can be an important resource for some people, incorporating regular affirmations and self-reflection exercises can be a valuable and cost-effective tool for maintaining good mental health and well-being. 

Members Discounts (4)

Membership provides access to resources and support to help you grow and connect with others.

  1. Unlimited access to premium content: Members have access to exclusive content, such as articles, videos, e-books, and other resources that are not available to non-members. 
  2. Personalized content recommendations: Members may receive personalized recommendations based on their interests and browsing history, which can help them discover new content that is relevant to their needs. 
  3. Discounts on other products and services: Members may be eligible for discounts on other products and services offered by the website, such as e-courses, coaching sessions, or e-books. 
  4. Private Community access: Members may have access to private online community, where they can connect with other members and share ideas, resources, and support. 
  5. Special events: Members may be invited to attend special events, such as webinars or live workshops, which are exclusive to members and offer additional learning and networking opportunities. 
  6. Regular updates: Members receive regular updates on new content, including articles, videos, and podcasts, as well as notifications on upcoming events and webinars. 



per month

  • 1. finding motivation, goal achievement affirmations with self reflections
  • 2. self hypnosis and sound therapy
  • 3. emotional intelligence e-books and articles
  • 4. members special discounts e-courses and coaching



Finding Motivation, Goal Achievement, Positive Affirmations for Self Confidence, each with their Self Reflection exercises. APP, Online or Delivered weekly to your inbox (3 affirmations per week).



Special selection of self hypnosis, binaural beat and solfeggio frequencies to help overcome stress, reduce anxiety, improve focus and performance. Requesting topic of interest available for VIP level. Content is added on a regular basis.



eBooks, articles, self reflection aimed to expand your mindset & increase your emotional intelligence. Use the read out-loud feature on your device. Request topic of interest. Content is added on a regular basis



VIP, 1. Special discounts on e-courses and coaching.  First access to new developments. Members only events. Special Feelfulness® exercises. Get Free access to a content of your choice.


$7  per month


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