Values are fundamental attitudes guiding your mental processes and behavior that lead to the belief that life is meaningful and serve as a measure of how meaningful are your actions are, that are consistent with your personal value system.
Values clarification is an aspect of CBT that involves identifying a person’s personal value system and creating a hierarchy of values that are important to that person.
This value system can be used to help you exit your comfort zone in order to achieve your goals and improve your quality of life.
Your values are the things that are most important to you. Personal values can be almost anything. For example some personal values include family, loyalty, knowledge, health, financial security, and respect but the list will be different for each person.
Knowing your values is important because they help you understand what you want out of life, guide your behavior, influence your decisions and help you achieve your goals.
You can think of your values as a compass that makes navigating life a little easier. You tend to be happier, more fulfilled, and less overwhelmed in difficult situations when you know our values and live in line with them.
Positive Psychology is the scientific study of people's strengths and aims to maximize the human potential, help you become the best version of yourself, having you focus on your character strengths and behaviors, as opposed to your weaknesses.
Positive psychology is the scientific study of what makes life most worth living, focusing on both individual and societal well-being.
It studies "positive subjective experience, positive individual traits, and positive institutions and it aims to improve quality of life.
Many positive psychology exercises are considered classics – and for good reason.
While activities such as gratitude journaling and loving-kindness meditation have been shown time and again to lead to positive outcomes, the goal of this course is to provide a variety of new and novel ways to include positive psychology in your personal growth.
These science-based positive psychology exercises explore fundamental aspects of psychology including strengths, values and self-compassion (to name a few) will give you the tools you need to enhance the your wellbeing and set goals for an achievable outcome.
When you are unsure about your own values, you risk many negative outcomes.
First of all, being unsure about your values can lead to stress and anxiety.
Even worse, being unsure about your values can lead you to behave contrary to your values, which can lead you to even more stress and anxiety (along with guilt).
For these reasons, it is important for you to know what your values are (whatever they may be) and learn to behave according to your personal values.
"The exercises are a powerhouse. I became very confident, calm and happy, and even if I'm tired I noticed that I am more creative and patient. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
“I feel more confident and know how to come up with best articles (but I’m also open to other’s ideas) and I have an improved focus in life direction and I just know what to do.”